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Monday, May 25, 2015

E3 Expo

Hey Gamers!

So as everyone knows the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3 for short, is coming up soon. Also, you might have seen on Facebook but I registered Burly Gaming for E3! I know it's a shot in the dark, but honestly the worst thing they can do is say no, but just imagine if they say yes. Either way if I am here or there I will be covering E3. I will also post a live feed to the blog like I did last year and also post all channels and youtube accounts that are streaming it just in case one or the other fails. E3 is going to be pretty awesome this year, I also wish I could compete in the Nintendo World Championship, but again that too is a shot in the dark. What do you gamers think will be announced at E3 this year? I feel like Nintendo is going to confirm some more Smash Bros. DLC and also maybe some more Mario Kart DLC. I also feel like there will be an Earthbound or Mother announcement, along with a new Metroid game and we will get more info on Fire Emblem If. Post your thoughts in the comments below and remember to keep on playing!

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