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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Smash Bros: Zero Suit Samus

Hey Gamers!

So unless you have been living under a rock, you know that Lucina and Robin were announced for the new Smash Bros and along side them are returning vets Captain Falcon and Meta Knight. So I ask you guys... Where is Ness, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Game and Watch, Falco, Wolf, Roy, Mewtwo, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Ivysaur and everyone's fan favorite Pichu!

Okay now to the interesting information. So remember how everyone was making a big deal about Zero Suit Samus and how "sexy" she was? How much of a crime is it to have strong and attractive females in a game? Women want equality, well then attractive women get to be fighters just as much as the next person. Well they just announced a new skin for Zero Suit Samus, I won't say much but here is the picture for reference. 

I personally love the alternate costume, it holds true to the end of Metroid Zero Mission. I mean yes Zero Suit Samus is definitely eye candy... but so is Mario in his alternate costume... 

Mama Mia.
So what do you all think about the new alternate costumes? Who else should get one? Leave your thoughts below and remember to keep playing!

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